Innovation Mood | Major Mood: Innovation | Minor Mood: Perfection |  | You are in an independent, sceptical, analytical, leading and intellectually curious mood. |  | Life as a chessboard Your approach to life in this mood is much like a chess player. You're always seeking strategies that have a high payoff and devising ulterior plans in case of error or adversity. And like a good chess player, you dedicate yourself to studying the game; your goal is to obtain as much knowledge as possible and this drive makes you a winner! You approach people quite the same way, acting socially cautious and reserved until you know them well. Then you are quite committed and serious about those whom with you surround yourself. |  | A constant quest to improve life around you In this mood, messiness and disorganization is intolerable. In fact you don't like anything that's muddled or unclear. And why would you? Efficiency is your middle name. You focus on the big picture, so your ambition compels you to try and improve everything around you. |
| Some things never change Like your clothes! They aren't usually very striking, but they're of high quality so they last a long time. Grabbing attention is not your thing in this mood, so you tend to stick to the classics. It wouldn't be unusual for you to adopt some sort of uniform outfit that allowed you both comfort and efficiency. When it comes to food and drink, you gravitate towards high quality but if you're absorbed in something interesting, food and drink lose all appeal. |  | Caught in a brainstorm No useful idea is too far-fetched for you in this mood. You are a natural at brainstorming, always aggressively seeking new concepts. When a subject arises that you are indifferent about, you choose to stay silent rather than give an opinion. You value your thoughts too much to talk just to talk. |  | Your keywords: no limit, pure, vintage, orderly |  | Stress: You are balanced with no major signs of stress, well done!
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