

Our heat pump broke. Yup, we've only owned our brand new house since October 15, 2004, and theoretically, the heat pump attached to it was supposed to be new. But, 1 year 4 months later, it decides to stop working. Of course, AFTER the warranty expires. Its going to cost us $400 to fix it, but TX winter has finally decided to arrive and we have no choice. Blarg.

Bush has submitted a ridiculous budget, increasing homeland security and the pentagon EACH by 5%, while cutting all the other important programs like EDUCATION, HEALTHCARE, etc. He said that this budget represented his highest priorities. My thought: what good does it do to defend a country if everyone in it is stupid and/or sick?

Fight Club committed last night. We're tackling meditation first. YEAH! I'm needing to delve into that very deeply. Hopefully, I will be able to settle down and work on it.

I started reading Coming to our senses: Healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness... so far, the introduction is good. The goal is to finish this book no later than EOM February.

Nick just IM'd me!! He's calling tonight! yeah for old friends!

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