
Daily Journal

So, this week for fight club, I have to journal something every day. Gah. The point is to help me write down/commemorate the now because I am focusing entirely too much on "what's next". So, here is my attempt at my daily journal.

I have recently taken up knitting. And I love it. No, not just like, LOVE it. I started getting interested in it about a year ago, and Sheri (a friend at work) gave me this giant bag of yarn and a crochet hook and said she would teach me (and then subsequently fell off the face of the planet). So, needless to say, that yarn has sat around in the closet in the guest bedroom for a long time.

Well, when we started cleaning out that room to make space for Annan, I rediscovered my stash. And my desire to knit. So, I emailed all the women at Mosaic to see if any of them knew how to knit. None of them did. So I went to Michael's and bought a how to knit book and kit. And then failed to understand the pictures. Luckily, one of the Mosaic attenders said she knew how to knit (she's a recent HS grad) and that she would LOVE to teach me. And then I found this amazing website with videos showing every step of the process, and suddenly, I'm knitting!

I absolutely love it. There is a logic to the knitting that is very soothing to me. And it is very easy to do (once you figure out how it thinks, of course). There are so many different yarns out there, lots of free patterns, lots of all kinds of stuff. My goodness. I think I've found a hobby. :)

My first completed project was a sock for my ipod. I got tired of it getting all dinged up in my bag. All I need now to complete it is a button to keep the flap closed :) I also started on some baby booties, and actually finished one (and promptly lost one of my US8 needles - DOH!), so I've got to wait until I get a new set of 8s to finish that one. I'm also working on a delightfully chunky scarf - YUM! I'll need to get more yarn in order to be able to finish this project, but still, it is so exciting to see something useful come out of all this.

So, this is where I am today. Loving knitting. Loving creating.

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